Lonzaola® - Carni Dock About 1.5 kg

Lonzaola® - Carni Dock 
About 1.5 kg  Image
Pork Loin Carpaccio.
Lonzaola is a highly pure lean pork product, dry salted, which takes up the flavours of alpine herbs and red wine brine. It is then dried in a large room, ventilated by fresh mountainn currents.
Cold Cuts

Lonzaola® - Carni Dock About 1.5 kg

Lonzaola® - Carni Dock 
About 1.5 kg  Image
Pork Loin Carpaccio.
Lonzaola is a highly pure lean pork product, dry salted, which takes up the flavours of alpine herbs and red wine brine. It is then dried in a large room, ventilated by fresh mountainn currents.